Having experienced a complicated relationship with food and partaking in fad exercise and diet trends over the years, Dr Katherine teaches Body Confidence but not in the way people expect.
Having experienced a complicated relationship with food and partaking in fad exercise and diet trends over the years, Dr Katherine teaches Body Confidence but not in the way people expect.
Like most small business owners Nicole was the same in sharing all the common challenges a business faces with her first venture: FIFO Families.
Alicia is passionately driven by her purpose to ignite leaders to transform the world for the better – whether that be in the workplace or broader community.
At the core of her professional drive and through circumstances in both her personal and professional life is a desire to empower and inspire women and to impart her knowledge and experiences to female entrepreneurs.
Despite being faced with cultural and gender adversary throughout her career, Helia Singh has worked through it all and achieved her business goals.
Ageism in business isn’t something we necessarily think of. This gorgeous, successful and hard working lady, Christina Parry is kicking away any preconceived barriers society has.
We Are Emersyn uses an inclusive definition “female” and “women” and we welcome trans people, women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who identify, have identified, or have been identified as female, women, or non-binary.