Does anyone else feel like the wheels have fallen off recently and you’re moving so fast you can’t control! Well I do. A month ago I had such good intentions, I felt grounded, I was starting the Michelle Bridges 12WBT and pumped to do so, I was implementing processes and procedures in my business and putting my strategy into place, my house was semi tidy, the child was leaving the house dressed, the puppy had settled down a bit and it was sunny outside. Then something happened…I can’t put my finger on it but something did.
The weather got crap again, my exercise was faltering, what I was eating was sliding, there was an influx of business, the house well see image below, my brain wouldn’t turn off, the dog ripped apart the side of the trampoline (couldn’t hide that one from the husband!) and when my daughter was picked up by her Nonna today she had managed to put a long sleeve shirt on and left the house with no shoes in her PJ bottoms, hair like a birds nest and toast on her face. Gotta love kids, they really own it!
This week has been nothing short of hectic so much that I’m breaking my rule of not working weekends and are going to my space in the city Saturday to get a full day in. Now I have 10 minutes before I need to leave for a meeting then have back to backs all day. And you know what, I’m in this state because of me. I haven’t been listening to my own rules in business!
I knew this week was busy, yet I have said yes to more meetings instead of pushing them to next week or the week after. I’ve said yes to a meeting in a few weeks I don’t actually want to have as I know I will be sold to and it’s not going to help me in business, yet I didn’t say no. I’ve only managed to exercise twice this week and really the second time was me being slack lifting a few weights in front of the TV. And I am to blame.
I could easily have made this a priority and made time for it by I haven’t. I’ve let the wheels fall off. And you know it’s ok for this to happen, as I’m aware of it and am now pulling myself back in. We all falter, but it’s how we move forward that’s important.
If you feel like the wheels are falling off, take 10 minutes to just stop and breathe. (FYI when I get stressed or pissed off I find myself holding my breath, to the point that my close friends realise and tell me to breathe!) You will get through this, just like I am. Regroup and carve out a plan…with an alcoholic drink in hand. For me is rum, white rum.
Reach out to me if you want to chat.
We Are Emersyn uses an inclusive definition “female” and “women” and we welcome trans people, women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who identify, have identified, or have been identified as female, women, or non-binary.