In business when you can define your key marketing messages, they will influence and persuade your target audience to purchase your product or service.
They are more than your slogan, vision and mission. They are what you want your target audience to hear or read. Therefore, they should “speak” to your audience, push the right buttons, and trigger a positive reaction.
To start, think about the top 3 key messages you want to get across to your target audience and what are your proof points to back them up.
The proof points are the evidence that your solution works, how you are going to perform the solution, and results that support your claims. You can mention previous customers that have benefitted from your solution. Including real-life situations is powerful.
You can’t just say that people should buy from you because your product is great. What specifically makes it great?
To help you identify the marketing messages that describe your business accurately, these are the questions you need to ask yourself.
Get to the point
Take it easy on the vague words and jargons and be direct to the point and easy to understand.
Use simple words and express straightforwardly how your solution can solve your target’s pain points.
The Customer’s Viewpoint
Develop a clear marketing message by putting yourself in your customers’ shoes. This way, you can realise how you can effectively communicate with them on a personal level. Focus on the benefits and why yours is more convenient than the competitors.
What’s in It for Them
Instead of telling your target market what you do and bragging your credentials, they are more interested to know what’s in it for them. They will only start to care when they know that you care.
You should develop marketing messages for each of your target audiences. After all they will have different pain points. And be sure to use them in all of your external communications.
We Are Emersyn uses an inclusive definition “female” and “women” and we welcome trans people, women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who identify, have identified, or have been identified as female, women, or non-binary.